Do people like you?
Big question, I know, for this time of day.
But here’s why I ask.
Studies consistently show we’re more easily influenced by people we like.
No surprise there.
If you want people to (happily) do what you want, being likeable is important.
It’s why Good Cop/Bad Cop works so well. Good Cop looks far more reasonable and approachable compared to shouty, aggressive Bad Cop.
It’s why home-selling events make so much money.
We’d much rather hand over our hard-earned cash to our fun friend than some nameless brand.
But let’s get back to you for a moment.
Now I’m sure you’re lovely in person.
But are you likeable in your emails?
Or do you fall into one of these traps…
You come across as stuffy and starchy with your formal writing style (‘I hope this email finds you well.’)
You have the odd bad day (or ten) where you fire off spiky messages to your co-workers
You’re so keen to come across as ‘professional’, your emails are a bland personality-free zone
Listen – it’s hard to like a prickly porcupine. Hard to build a relationship with a starched shirt.
Hard to warm to someone who makes vanilla look spicy.
So, if you want people to jump into action, make sure you’re as devastatingly charming over email as you are in real life.
(And yes, research shows flattery works too.)